Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur,

Herbal Tea Enthusiast

I’ve always been told I’m a multi-faceted person.

On one hand, I’m a full-time digital marketing professional at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

On the other hand, I’m an herbalist who runs an online herbal tea business called Kristini’s Teas.

Be an agent in your own healing.

Years ago, when I was stuck in a relationship that emptied my cup, I knew I had to walk away to refill it. My tea ritual saved me. It brought me back to myself and showed me who I was and what I wanted out of life. Now as an herbal tea blender and founder of Kristini’s Teas, I show people how to create their own tea ritual to support their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We all deserve to pour from a full cup. 

Professional Digital Marketing Experience

Let’s Create a Custom Herbal Tea Blend Together

Whether you’re looking for a tea for yourself, a loved one, an event, or a business venture, we can work together to find and combine the best ingredients for your needs.


See My Food Writing In:

“Remember: You are the medicine.”